The Michael LoVerme Memorial Foundationrectangle logo blue on transparent - dove above

is a non-profit charitable foundation whose mission is to inspire our community through service and education.

Membership in the organization is open to anyone with an interest in furthering our mission. We also encourage friends and family to volunteer at one of our upcoming events. It is always fun and volunteering opportunities are available for everyone – not just members!

2016 Computer Clinic Welcome Team

Every year at our free Computer Clinic event, we offer personalized, dedicated 1-on-1 time with a technician who tune up your computer, answer your technology questions, and troubleshoot any problems you have. In the future, you can read about the event, reserve a time slot or find out how to join our volunteer team by visiting our Computer Clinic page.

2015 MLMF 5K Race Start

Each fall, we also host a celebratory event to gather the community in common purpose. For many years the event anchored on an in-person road race but we have since transitioned to a Community Cookout with an optional Remembrance Run/Walk component.